All That the Nature Shows Me

This is all about what the nature teaches me, through people, nature itself or consciousness.

I Don't Want to Eat!

When I was a kid and just like many other kids, I didn't like to eat. Meal time was not something I love. It was more like obligation I had to do for parents instead of fulfilling my own need. I did not realize that I need to eat until few years later when I was big enough. Nobody told me when to eat anymore. Then only, I knew I had to eat.

Similar things happen in  a lot of other things later in my life. When you have to convince someone to do something for her/his own good but she/he is reluctant and acts like we are the one who needs it, not otherwise. But you know that you have to keep insisting simply because you care of them. It can be an easy thing to do yet it can be so difficult that you wish you could just be an ignorant person. Life has its own funny way to teach us by giving different roles to play.

I should be able to laugh  and play along, sometimes as a stubborn child and the other times as a loving parent. Only, I wish I could become more patient.


About me

Foto Saya
- writes everything coming to her mind - loves sleeping - wants to own a library - hates routine - loves the pleasure of discovery
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