All That the Nature Shows Me

This is all about what the nature teaches me, through people, nature itself or consciousness.

Let Go

There is time when we hurt so much that we keep asking why things happened to us. This is when life betrayed us, when people didn't respect our trust.

Why would they do that?

We can never really get a satisfied answer. Even the correct answers will not be satisfying. Disappointment  prevents us to understand things.

There are two things we can do. We can let them hurt us more and take over the rest of our life by keeping the anger. Or we can let whatever happened to go, take necessary actions which follow the law (if law has something to do with it) and then live the life like we used to.

I prefer the latter. I won't let them take away my happiness too. It is hard to forgive, no question about it. But it is harder to live with anger. Anger kills us slowly.

(May'13. God, give us strength )

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About me

Foto Saya
- writes everything coming to her mind - loves sleeping - wants to own a library - hates routine - loves the pleasure of discovery
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