If tomorrow was really end of the world, I would smoke weed as much as I could so I can face the apocalypse with big smile..
What would you do?
If tomorrow was really end of the world, I would smoke weed as much as I could so I can face the apocalypse with big smile..
What would you do?
Sudah waktunya saya berterima kasih pada malas karena jika dipikir lagi banyak proses berpikir yang saya lakukan untuk melakukan sesuatu seefisien dan sesedikit mungkin karena malas. Untuk menghindari pekerjaan yang sia-sia atau tidak perlu, saya pun terpaksa berpikir. Seperti yang pernah saya bahas, kemajuan teknologi pun saya yakin terjadi karena orang-orang malas melakukan suatu hal dengan cara lama. Orang malas berjalan kaki ke tempat jauh, maka diciptakan kendaraan beroda. Orang malas naik tangga, maka diciptakan lift. Mempermudah pekerjaan itu adalah tujuan teknokogi. Untuk dapat menciptakan teknologi kita harus berpikir. Aku malas maka aku berpikir.
Berbicara mengenai berpikir, saya pun teringat Cogito Ergosum-nya Decrates. Terlepas dari beragam pendapat tentang penafsiran artinya, jika saya gunakan tafsiran umum maka saya mendapatkan "Saya Berpikir maka Saya Ada"
Saya malas maka saya berpikir, saya berpikir maka saya ada. Saya malas maka saya ada?
No offense, it's purely one of my random thoughts after taking too much vitamin C and sleeping over the weekend. Just watched an episode of Curiosity, Drugs on Your Body. It illustrates how drugs affect your physical and emotional reaction. Some scientists conduct some experiments to four drug users. They take different kind of drugs: meth, cocaine, heroin and marijuana. The drug users are asked to perform activities which require them to focus, follow instruction, deal with tense situation and perform physical strength test.
Spoiler alert for those who haven't watched and are planning to watch it! Long story short. Cocaine and meth users tend to be more aggressive, always in a rush and pay less attention on details. Although they have shown a little bit different response especially from the strength test. On the other hand, heroin and marijuana users tend to be more calm, focus and work more efficient but both work slower and often lack of urgency. I cannot remember all the details so you should not use to this as reference for drug user behavior guideline (anyway, who will?).
However after watching the episode, I came to think and relate Buddha to marijuana users as to me they posses similar attribute: extremely calm.
(Jan'12. Looking forward to experiencing real meditation)
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